7 Best Profitable Tech Startup Ideas to Watch for in 2021 | Curious Faizan


Inspiration for new products comes from new ideas. And finding those promising product ideas is the beginning of a new product development process.

Ever had a headache to find a great idea for a tech startup?

You know the best way to start a tech business industry is to get an idea. But the year 2020 wasn't that great for most businesses out there due to the pandemic situation.

However, any crisis can bring out the perfect business solution; all you need to have is the right idea to tune in to the situation. As an example, look at the sales businesses made by selling facial masks and sanitisers.

The post-Covid world will mainly depend on the power of the internet, and for the same reason, most businesses are rapidly moving online.  

Over the past several months, you might have witnessed how the pandemic had forced many small and large scale businesses to move online. This massive online migration of small and large scale businesses unfolds new possibilities for tech startups to build unique models for these businesses.

So why don't we spend some time together researching some promising new tech startup ideas that could help you build your business empire in 2021?

What are the Best Tech Startup Ideas to Watch for in 2021?

One thing is for sure: the evolution of technology in recent years proves that unless businesses are adopting the latest available tech in the market, they will get eliminated from the game of business.

With a rising number of new tech or software startups growing and receiving funds for their unique business models, many new opportunities are arising for them amidst the Covid-19 at rampage.

Let's get straight into the complete list of promising tech startup ideas that have impacted 2020 and will have immense potential in 2021.

2021 Tech Trends that every startup should look into:

1- Artificial intelligence
2- Telehealth and Virtual Medical Services
3- Remote Working
4- Online Course Platform
5- Biotech Startups
6- Robotic Delivery
7- eCommerce

1. Artificial Intelligence

For the past decade, AI has been gaining a lot of attention, and there's no doubt AI would evolve even further. In 2021, most mainstream businesses will be equipped with AI, thus opening numerous tech startup opportunities.

Nowadays, AI can read for us, speak, write, hear, see, and analyse things in terms of videos and photographs. All of this is completely transforming organisations and helping them re-imagine and streamline their business processes. Read the advantages of AI in mobile app development.

For many industries, this COVID-19 pandemic was disastrous. But, it only accelerated the use of AI across the U.S economy. During this time, many companies started to create new services for remote workers and students. They build up online shopping, dining options, make customer call centres more efficient, and speed up development of essential drugs.

With the increased infection rates and bio lab cases due to the pandemic situation, AI plays a crucial role in maintaining the analysis of those overwhelming volumes of data.

Today, one out of 10 organisations uses more than 10 AI applications. It includes chatbox, security, fraud detector, and more. The increase in adoption of machine learning across industries has proved that how its algorithms and techniques are solving complex real-world problems efficiently.

AI.Reverie, Anodot, Dataiku, BigML, etc., are examples of leading AI startups shaping the AI industry.

So, from healthcare to IT services and cybersecurity, startups have a plethora of areas to be explored. And in 2021, the demand for them is only going to increase.

2. Telehealth and Virtual Medical Services

The one thing that changed a lot in the health industry during the past year is tech's tremendous medical services involvement. For this case alone, many tech companies are streamlining their services for the healthcare industry.

Recent studies have shown that telecalling the patients could resolve about 80% of primary medical attention required. Furthermore, hospitals can improve their online healthcare system with the aid of virtual medical services.

These services open an abundance of tech startups opportunities to compete against more prominent players within the same industry. The demand for such services is increasing day by day as more and more startups discover its benefits like:

It can help cut costs.
Shorten wait times.
Bring healthcare to people in rural areas.
Keep a close eye on newborns.
Help keep at-risk patients healthy by providing quick check-ins.
It is not a pleasant way to wait in a doctor’s office and spend a long time. By having contact with other sick people, there's a high chance that people might leave with diseases worse than what they came with. Telemedicine help avoids such risks, and that’s why it is booming now.

See how Telemedicine The Future Of Health Care

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